Economic, Social and Health Impacts of Sport and Active Recreation in Queensland

Economic, Social and Health Impacts of Sport and Active Recreation in Queensland

A new report published by the Active Queenslanders Industry Alliance

Summary (excerpt)

Sport and active recreation provide large benefits to Queenslanders, through various economic and social channels. Total economic and social benefits are estimated to be in the order of $18 billion, an amount equivalent to around 5% of Gross State Product (GSP).

The sport and active recreation sector directly and indirectly supports economic activity and jobs across Queensland. Sport and active recreation are estimated to make an economic contribution of around $5 billion per annum, or nearly 1½ % of GSP.

The sport and active recreation sector directly supports the employment of around 34,000 Queenslanders and, directly and indirectly, of over 67,000 Queenslanders, or 2½% of all employed people.

It is evident that sport and active recreation make a substantial contribution to the Queensland economy and provide immense benefits to Queenslanders through a wide range of channels, including health, civic benefits, green space, leisure and national and state pride, among others.

(Download ‘$18 Billion’ Flyer)

Sport and active recreation can act to protect our population from the adverse impacts of chronic diseases associated with inactivity and obesity, and from anxiety associated with growing work pressures and social media use, for example. In total, these benefits are valued at nearly $18 billion annually, or around 5% of GSP.


Gene Tunney
Adept Economics

Prepared for the Active Queenslanders Industry Alliance


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